YC blog

How to set up a blog using Jekyll

This blog documents the steps I took in order to build my first blog on my Windows laptop. I have never tried to do all the command line and git on a windows machine before. This should be fun.

Setting up essentials

Install Git on Windows.

Git can be installed and used in Windows 10. You just need to go to this website and download the latest version of Git. Follow instructions in the installer, you can get Git all set up on your Windows machine.

It is worth notice that the latest install of Git include a feature to add Git bash as a terminal profile in the Windows Terminal.

After the installation, you can verify that Git is running on your machine by opening up a powershell or cmd, and type git. If you see all the possible git command, it means you are all set to use Git.

PS C:\Users\YourUserName> git
usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]
     [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
     [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
     [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
     [--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env=<name>=<envvar>]
     <command> [<args>]

Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal is a terminal emulator with a bunch of features implemented in Windows OS. Many of these features are long waited. They might be commonly seen in Unix system, but not Windows system. The features shipped with Windows Terminal include:

  1. Multiple tabs;
  2. Powershell/cmd and Linux bash in the same window.
  3. Highly customizable (key binding, color scheme, background, etc.)

You can simply install Windows Terminal from the Microsoft app store (link).

Install Ruby for Jekyll.

Follow this official instruction to install Jekyll on windows machine without a WSL. Remember to run the ridk install in the last step of the installation.

After the installation of Ruby is finished, you can open Powershell or cmd and type in the command gem install jekyll bundler to install Jekyll.

Verify that you have Jekyll functioning by printing Jekyll version jekyll -v.

Create a new blog using Jekyll

Why Jekyll?

Jekyll is can produce static site, which is enough for simple blog. It is simple in that it requires low maintainence (no database, no admin, no update). The biggest perk to me is that it take markdown as input, which seamlessly connects to emacs org mode that I am frequently using to do my own documentation.

Build a minimal blog using Jekyll

It is very simple to create a new blog, just: jekyll new PATH

If you cd into the directory of your new blog, you can see that there are files created by Jekyll during the initiation.

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        11/22/2021     14:18                _posts
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18             61 .gitignore
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18            444 404.html
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18            557 about.markdown
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18           1155 Gemfile
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18           2035 Gemfile.lock
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18            181 index.markdown
-a----        11/22/2021     14:18           2135 _config.yml

Curious to see how the new blog looks like? Just kickstart it with: jekyll serve

And then check it the browser at

Note: if you encounter a loadError of cannot load such file -- webrick (LoadError), run bundle add webrick to install webrick.

Configure your blog

You can configure your blog globally in _config.yml.

If you want some more fancy themes to shine up your block, you can check https://jekyllthemes.io/jekyll-blog-themes.

Add post to your blog

You can simply put markdown under _posts directory and it would be captured by Jekyll automatically. Be aware of the time, you need to speficy the time zone at moment, so that you can get all your posts out. In some cases, if the time of the post is later than current time, it would be skipped by Jekyll.

My current set-up is writing in org mode, and convert to markdown using ox-pandoc + pandoc.


This post is heavily inspired by this nice tutorial, and the theme of this blog is from a public Jekyll theme.